Thursday, April 22, 2010


Ember is the world's worst napper.

Well, let me amend that. Ember is a great napper if: a) she is sleeping on Andrew's or my lap, b) she is in the stroller, OR c) she is in the car. Since she always falls asleep nursing, I've formed the bad habit of just letting her snooze happily on my lap while I indulge in some daytime crap TV.

Of course this greatly impedes my productivity in a day so I'm working to change it. Now, as soon as she dozes off, I try to move her into her bed in our room. Ha! Ember has other plans. As soon as I stand, her eyes pop open and she is awake. I've tried laying her down regardless, with hopes that she will calm down and fall asleep. Again, HA! This is what I found this morning when I popped my head in after she'd been "asleep" for 10 minutes.

I'm grateful that Ember recognizes nighttime and sleeps well then.

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