Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thought Filled Thursday: Mummy Calling Cards

Earlier this week, I declared that I am officially a stay at home mum. Ember is my "employer". I've seen a couple of online articles recently that discuss Mommy calling cards - business cards for parents that have their name, number, email address, and child's name on them. I didn't know these things existed. There's even a On their homepage, they suggest handing these cards out to your child's teachers. Hmmm.

What do we think of this? It's seems a tad unnecessary, doesn't it? Though, at the same time, I can completely appreciate the convenience of this. While Ember and I are out on walks, we often bump into other families, start chatting and eventually exchange numbers. Since I don't carry a pen on me, and I all too often forget my cell, these little cards would come in handy.

Unequivocally, I can't imagine ever paying for an item like this. (Back to that budget...) And, considering I can navigate computer software fairly well, I am able of cooking up some for myself. But then again, no, I can't really imagine doing that either.

They don't offend me.
They seem like perfect frivolity.
The stationary lover in me thinks they're fantastic.

Where do you stand: Do you already have a set on order? Or, do these just register as purely pretentious?

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